Hands down, one of our favorite movies here this year is Looper, Rian Johnson’s time bending hitman movie.

So far, the box office has been pretty great, but what if you’re already itching to see the movie again, and you don’t want to wait for the DVD release to listen to a commentary this time around?

Rian Johnson’s got you covered, as he’s released a commentary track on MP3 to the web, and we’ve got it for you here.

All you need to do is download, toss it on your phone, and cue it up when the movie starts. Do be sure to wear earbuds, because really, who wants to be that guy?

Now, for those who are looking for a little more post Looper analysis, Noah Illinsky’s decided to break down the different timelines of the film in an easy to follow infographic.

Originally posted to Wired, the graphic DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS. So if you don’t want to know, look away!