2012 was a grandstand year for the LEGO Super Heroes line.  After a great Batman series a few years earlier, lines for both DC and Marvel appeared this year, with great sets based on both the comics and the films.

This will continue into 2013, with two new sets being showcased this weekend at NYCC.

On the DC side of things, we have a Dark Knight Rises inspired set, with “The Bat vs. Bane Tumbler Chase”. Featuring Bane’s camo version of the Tumbler, plus the new flying Bat (with a Batman, of course) and a bonus Jim Gordon mini figure, this is a wonderfully kiddie version of the dark Christopher Nolan Batman universe.  This set will run you $40.

With Marvel, we have a set from the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon - “The Daily Bugle Showdown”.  $50 gets you a full version of the Daily Bugle building, a sweet looking aircraft, and mini figures of Spider-Man, Nova, the Beetle, Dr. Doom and of course, J. Jonah Jameson.

A full gallery appears below.

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