The New DJANGO UNCHAINED Trailer Gets Dirty!
I really didn’t think it would be possible for me to get more excited about Quentin Tarantino’s next movie, Django Unchained, but a brand new trailer has been released which sets more of the stage for the plot, and it does a hell of a great job of selling a ticket to me.
Similar to Inglorious Basterds, it feels like Tarantino’s doing a great job of taking a really dark and uncomfortable subject (in this case, slavery) and using it as a way to build up a darkly humorous adventure of revenge and violence.
If you saw the prior trailer, of note this time is some further information about Leonardo DiCaprio’s lead villain role as Calvin Candie, plus our first look at Jonah Hill’s role in the movie.
You can bet I’ll be one of the first in line to see Django Unchained when it hits on December 25th, 2012.

Thursday October 11, 2012