New GANGSTER SQUAD Trailer Sizzles & Explodes!
Up until now, the movie Gangster Squad was known more for its forced reshoots due to tragedy than for the content of the film itself.
But now, a series of reshoots and a release delay later, Gangster Squad is ready to be shown off, and based on it’s new trailer - this is going to be a good one.
I wouldn’t have thought that the guy who brought us Zombieland and 30 Minutes or Less (Ruben Fleischer) could be such a competent director of crime drama, but based on this footage, he nailed it.  Of course, the super stacked cast, including Ryan Gossling, Emma Stone, Josh Brolin, Sean Penn and Nick Nolte couldn’t hurt.
Gangster Squad releases on January 11th, 2013.

Friday October 12, 2012