The full court press of Iron Man 3 marketing continues.

With the full trailer coming tomorrow, and the teaser for that trailer having hit over the weekend, has split the middle by choosing today to reveal the new poster for the film, featured above.

It’s an interesting choice of image, featuring Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) in his workshop, surrounded by his armor - and it certainly is a nice reprieve from the standard floating heads poster. You can see the new gauntlets and boots on Tony, but not the full new armor.

If that wasn’t enough, Entertainment Weekly grabbed the exclusive of the first look at Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin!

I’ll admit, he looks a bit more like a Lord of the Rings dwarf than a Asian master of space rings, but he still looks like he could mess you up in a second.

Now let’s get the damn trailer already.

Iron Man 3 hits theaters on May 3rd, 2013.
