Skyfall IMAX Exclusive Poster Revealed!
Starting last year with the release of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, IMAX has started a really classy push towards special Midnight showing release posters for big name films.
Over the summer alone, I can recall exclusive posters for The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus.  Well, this trend will continue into the fall, as they will have an exclusive poster for Skyfall.
The latest James Bond film actually hits IMAX theaters a day early (November 8th, instead of November 9th for non-IMAX screenings), so if you are bold enough to see the movie in the wee hours of that Wednesday night/Thursday morning, you’ll get a sweet, classy, black and white print of Daniel Craig as Bond to remember it by.
Source: Superhero Hype.

Thursday October 25, 2012