Our First Look At the Animated Version of AXE COP!
When it burst on the scene back in 2009, Axe Cop quickly became one of the most beloved webcomics in the history of the medium.
The bizarre yet perfect combination of art by a 29-year-old (Ethan Nicolle) and writing by, bizarrely enough, his then 5-year-old brother Malachai, the comic was the story of a cop, with an axe, who due to the great jumps of logic that only five-year olds can provide, fights in space, battles babies, and becomes president of the world.
Fox Animation clearly took a shining to the property, as it has been decided that Axe Cop will lead off the Fox ADHD late night animation block starting next year.  To get us all excited, they’ve released the test footage, an adaptation of “Ask Axe Cop #47”.
The cartoon isn’t just wonderfully accurate, it even brings the awesome with voice talent, choosing to have Axe Cop voiced by Nick Offerman, better known as Parks & Recreation’s cantankerous Ron Swanson.
Check it out!
Axe Cop will hit Fox in Summer 2013.
Source: The Comic’s Comic

Tuesday October 30, 2012