CAPTAIN AMERICA 2 Update: New Cast Members, Returning Characters and More!
With Captain America: The Winter Soldier heading towards an early 2013 start, the details on cast members, both new and old are flying like crazy.
Of course, as previously mentioned, The Falcon will be making his Marvel Cinematic Universe dÁ©but with Anthony Mackie (The Hurt Locker) taking on the wings of the classic Cap sidekick.  The big new dÁ©but, however, is big bad Crossbones, one of Captain America’s most infamous foes.  Taking on the role of the big bruiser is Frank Grillo, most recently known for starring in The Grey.  I certainly hope they don’t make the Hollywood move and remove his mask, as it’s one of the most striking elements of the character’s look.
Now, given that this is post Avengers, you can expect a whole slue of returning cast members, including some new to the Captain America franchise.  According to Variety, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be in full effect, with appearances from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) and Black Widow (Scarlet Johannson).  And, if the title didn’t give it away, yes, Sebastian Stan will be back as Bucky Barnes.
All and all, this is looking like a solid sequel casting wise - here’s hoping the plotting holds strong.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier is set to hit theaters on April 4th, 2014.

Thursday November 1, 2012