PÁ³stumo - The Playing Cards of the Undead!
It’s not often enough we feature a Kickstarter here, something we really should fix (although we will be continuing our I Kickstarted This! series soon), but considering you dear readers, we stumbled upon PÁ³stumo the other day and just had to feature (and back) it.
While yes, PÁ³stumo is designed by friends of Blast-O-Rama Darren Gendron and Obsidian Abnormal, the minds behind Hello With Cheese and Commissioned, it’s also a damn fine zombified take on the classic playing card structure.
The standard spades, hearts, clubs and diamonds have been converted to shovels, human hearts, baseball bats and brains respectively, and each piece features wonderfully gruesome art by Obsidian.
Here’s a video of him designing one of the cards. He even created his own font for the thing.
As of this writing, you can sponsor the KickStarter and get a package of the cards for as low as $9, but higher tiers also get you an uncut sheet of cards and even some fancy dice or poker chips!
If this sounds like your bag, click the link below and support this amazing looking project.
Source: Kickstarter

Thursday November 1, 2012