The Cutest Batman Ever: Li'l Gotham!
You might have missed it among the new comic releases yesterday, but DC Comics dropped one of the most fun books of the year yesterday with the dÁ©but of Dustin Nguyen’s Batman: Li’l Gotham!
Set to be a monthly series, Nguyen’s beautiful watercolor artwork mixes with the full Bat-family with issues set in that month’s major holiday.  Releasing on Halloween, the first issue was, understandably, a great Batman story set on Halloween, with Damien Wayne learning how Halloween works. It sounds a bit more cloying than it is, and the comic (co-written with Derek Fridolfs) is just a joy to read. The art is full of fun Batman references, and if the comic holds up, each edition will put a smile on your face every month.
If you have the proper device, I think you have little reason to not check it out - it’s a dollar.

Thursday November 1, 2012