You’re Nintendo. You are trying to repeat the success of the Wii with your new system, the Wii U, and now, the hardest thing for you to push is that unlike say, the Balance Board or WiiMotionPlus, the tablet controller isn’t just a Wii add-on, it’s part of a whole new system.

So, what do you do in the meantime? If you said re-release the Wii in a smaller format, you’re right!

Just announced for a December 7th release, the Wii Mini takes the classic Wii system, removes the Gamecube compatibility and Wi-Fi access, and puts it into a square, kinda sexy body.

Will this cause confusion for parents this Christmas season? I have little doubt. However, it won’t confuse everyone, as for now, the Wii Mini is a Canadian exclusive.

Still is pretty, though.
