Do Good And Read A Good Comic: Hawkeye #7
If you had told me that one of my favorite comics this year would be Hawkeye, I would have said you were crazy.
But since its first issue released in August, writer Matt Fraction (aided by artist David Aja) has added an amazing, human, street-level touch to the Avengers' archery specialist, and the comic has become one of my must-reads every single month.  So, I’d be telling you to read this anyway.
But, this coming January, a very special issue will hit the stands.  Hawkeye #7 will feature a special two-part story, written by Matt Fraction and drawn by artists Steve Lieber and Jesse Hamm, which sees Clint Barton and Kate Bishop (the other Hawkeye) navigating New York and New Jersey as Hurricane Sandy hits.
It’s not your typical “issue” based comic, if prior issues of Hawkeye have been any indication, and is sure to feature all of the antics and humor you’ve come to expect from the series. What makes the issue very special, however, is that Matt Fraction has guaranteed that he will donate every dime of his royalties directly to the Red Cross. Whatever he makes from the book, they’ll receive. And that’s putting your money where your mouth is.
Hawkeye #7 hits shelves and your favorite digital comic apps in January 2013.

Tuesday November 27, 2012