This past Friday, if you’re in America, chances are you were either sleeping off a giant Thanksgiving meal, re-heating leftovers for round 2 (or 3, or 4), or shopping.

If you were on the interwebs, however, the movie poster mavens at Mondo had something special in-store - a series of surprise poster releases all throughout the day.

No details on the films being featured, no listing of sizes, no info on print runs, nothing. Just some surprise drops from arguably the premiÁ¨re poster house in the US.  And man oh man did they deliver.

Here’s what dropped on Friday:

All of these prints are absolutely stunning, with Daniel Danger's "Psycho" and Olly Moss' "Bride of Frankenstein" really standing out.

Of course, if you must have these, eBay would be your friend, but really, what a cool and fun way to celebrate the holiday. I have a hunch we might see something similar around Christmas time.

A full gallery of the posters released, including the variants, appears below.

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