Nerd Alert: Cheap Blu-Ray Trilogies For All!
After featuring many deals on my personal Twitter feed, I tossed out the idea of making a regular segment here on Blast-O-Rama for great deals on Nerdy items.  With the holiday season fast approaching, it only seemed right, so look forward to many posts featuring deals as I find them. In the meantime, welcome to the first Nerd Alert!
Today brings some fantastic deals from Amazon UK, as they have put an amazing price break on some of the greatest geek trilogies of all time on Blu-Ray.  Each of these sets are regionless (meaning they can and will play on your Blu-Ray player in the states, without any changes or fixes) and having ordered from Amazon UK in the past, I can tell you that the shipping is unusually fast, and you should have your order in about a week or so.  Here’s what’s on sale.
The Complete Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix, The Matrix Revolutions, The Matrix Revelations) -Â $16.20 SHIPPED
Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy (Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park 3) - $17.68 SHIPPED
Spider-Man Trilogy (Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3) - $17.58 SHIPPED
Back to the Future Trilogy (Back to the Future, Back to the Future: Part II, Back to the Future: Part III) -Â $17.58 SHIPPED
All items include a Blast-O-Rama affiliate link. Ordering through these links support Blast-O-Rama and allow us to continue featuring great deals moving forward. Thanks!

Wednesday November 28, 2012