SNIKT! Wolverine To Join Days of Future Past?
After the signing of Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart earlier this week to the time bending First Class sequel X-Men: Days of Future Past, you knew it only had to be a matter of time before they went after the franchise player.
And that time is now -Â The Hollywood Reporter is stating that Hugh Jackman is being courted to return as Wolverine in the forthcoming fifth X-Men film (which would count as his seventh appearance as Wolverine overall, including his two solo films and his First Class cameo). Â Given that Wolverine is such a key player in the original comic storyline, it was only a matter of time before they brought him into the mix.
I guess the only question is now - will this be a brief cameo? Or will we get to see him mix it up in both timelines? Only time will tell.
Hugh Jackman next appears as Wolverine in The Wolverine, releasing July 26th, 2013. X-Men: Days of Future Past is set for release on July 18th, 2014.
Source: Hollywood Reporter.

Thursday November 29, 2012