Wow, the marketing team at WB is really laying it on thick for Pacific Rim, aren’t they?

After yesterday’s viral videos, letter, and mech blueprint reveal, we now have two more blueprints and another letter!

From the Japanese site comes the blueprint for the awesomely named Jaeger of Japan “Coyote Tango” (at the top of this post).

From Russia, we now also have the blueprint for their Jaeger, “Cherno Alpha”.

[caption id=“attachment_10857” align=“aligncenter” width=“500”] Cherno Alpha[/caption]

And if you’re willing to take the time to translate, French movie site Allocine premiered this letter to Dr. Jasper Schoenfeld, mentioning  a “Project Pittsburgh”.

I wonder what goodies we’ll get today!

Pacific Rim hits theaters July 11th, 2013.