Is The World Ready For A Seth MacFarlane Western?
I haven’t seen Ted yet, but all indications based on its box-office is that  Seth MacFarlane is quickly translating his massive success on television into one on the big screen.
And as he’s never one to slow down (considering he has three TV shows on the air, a fourth in development, and Universal has green-lit Ted 2), he’s already working on a new movie fast tracked for a Summer 2013 release - a western.
Titled A Million Ways to Die in the West, MacFarlane intends to direct and star in the movie, which he co-wrote with Alec Sulkin and Wellesley Wild (who also co-wrote Ted).  The idea is that the film will be similar in tone to Blazing Saddles, but underline the dangerous and painful lifestyle of the 1800s.
Of course, we can expect racy jokes all around.
While many people have rightfully pointed out the decline of Family Guy in recent years, I can’t blame the guy for working as hard as he can, especially when he gets to oversee passion projects like the relaunch of Cosmos.  That, and his episode of SNL might have been the best of the season.  His hosting the Oscars may not work out so great, but if Ted was a decent flick (I’ve heard good things, I’ll be checking it out on home video), and this works out as well - more power to him.
A Million ways to Die in the West is set for a Summer 2013 release.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter.

Wednesday December 5, 2012