The First Image From Ender's Game, Revealed!
For over 25 years now, fans have said that Ender’s Game was an unfilmable novel.  The sci-fi novel from Orson Scott Card, with its tough themes of young children being recruited for war would be difficult enough to get green-lit, let alone with the massive amount of necessary special effects.
However, Paramount evidently disagreed, as late next year, the film version will finally hit theaters, and thanks to Entertainment Weekly, we have our first look at the film.
The image showcases Asa Butterfield (Hugo) as Ender, as he is stared down by Colonel Griff, played here by Harrison Ford. Â It’s also a quick look at the living quarters of the Battle School, where children are trained for battle.
Personally, I’ve yet to read the book (I suppose I should now), so I’m left asking you the readers - does this adaptation look good, or are you already skeptical?
Ender’s Game hits theaters on November 1st, 2013.

Wednesday December 5, 2012