Aw, Hell. BioShock Infinite Pushed Back To March 26th.
Guess what guys? BioShock Infinite is delayed, again.
Raise your hand if you’re surprised.
At least this time, the delay is minor.
Scheduled originally for February 26th, 2013, the game is now set for release on Tuesday, March 26th, 2013.
According to Ken Levine, director of the project, the idea came from the new head of Irrational Games, Rod Ferguson.
Here’s his quote to Polygon:
"He said 'Look. Frankly, I think you could really benefit from another three or four more weeks for polish and bug-fixing," Levine said. "I knew I'd probably get beat up in the press a little bit about it, but at the end of the day, if it's going to make a better game, we'll do it."As always, if the final project works out, it's a worthy delay.  Plus, on a personal note, it would give me more time to focus on the February releasing Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengance.
Source: Polygon.

Friday December 7, 2012