Our First Look At DOWNLOADED: The Story Of Napster!
The early 2000’s were an amazing time to be online - and most of it was due to one little file sharing program, called Napster.
The granddaddy of all P2P programs, Napster truly changed how we share content over the web (for better and for worse), and while some of its successors had their moment in the sun (I miss Audiogalaxy, myself), nothing truly had the impact which Napster did.
Nearly a decade after it was gutted and tossed aside, filmmaker Alex Winters (yes, as in Bill & Ted) is looking back on Napster with a brand new documentary, called Downloaded. Here’s our first look at its trailer.
Downloaded is set to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival, and as you can see, looks to be a hell of a watch. I can’t wait until it gets picked up for distribution…or maybe it’s better to just download it off the web?
Source: Ain’t It Cool News.

Tuesday December 11, 2012