Yes folks, once again, Oscar season has arrived, and the Academy has narrowed down their picks for what they feel to be the finest films and performances of the year.

Perhaps you agree, perhaps you don’t - and yeah, they’re probably not all our favorites here at Blast-O-Rama, but on February 24th, someone is walking away with a statue.

Here are the official nominations for the show, the 85th Annual Academy Awards, which will be hosted by Seth MacFarlane.

Let us know your thoughts - and your picks - in the comments below.

This is a list of the “major” categories. For ALL nominations, click here.

Best Picture

Amour Argo Beasts of the Southern Wild Django Unchained Les Miserables Life of Pi Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook Zero Dark Thirty

Best Director

Michael Haneke - Amour Benh Zeitlin - Beasts of the Southern Wild Ang Lee - Life of Pi Steven Spielberg - Lincoln David O. Russell - Silver Linings Playbook

Best Actor

Bradley Cooper - Silver Linings Playbook Daniel Day-Lewis - Lincoln Hugh Jackman - Les Miserables Joaquin Phoenix - The Master Denzel Washington - Flight

Best Actress

Jessica Chastain - Zero Dark Thirty Jennifer Lawrence - Silver Linings Playbook Emmanuelle Riva - Amour Quvenzhane Wallis - Beasts of the Southern Wild Naomi Watts - The Impossible

Best Supporting Actor

Alan Arkin - Argo Robert DeNiro - Silver Linings Playbook Phillip Seymour Hoffman - The Master Tommy Lee Jones - Lincoln Christoph Waltz - Django Unchained

Best Supporting Actress

Amy Adams - The Master Sally Field - Lincoln Anne Hathaway - Les Miserables Helen Hunt - The Sessions Jacki Weaver - Silver Linings Playbook

Best Animated Feature

Brave Frankenweenie Paranorman The Pirates! Band of Misfits Wreck-It Ralph