This Amazing Handheld Emulator System Can't Be Legal, Right?
The grey market area of Hong Kong electronics sure loves to give us some theoretically amazing technology, doesn’t it?
Provided the build quality of this new gaming handheld is up to snuff (and that it isn’t blocked from sale, given the number of gaming companies that will probably wish to sue it out of existance), the JXD S7300 HD Gamepad2 is a very impressive looking handheld.
Developed by JinXing Digital Co., the system (which should retail for somewhere about $175) runs Android 4.1, has 1GB of RAM, wi-fi, a USB port, multitouch, motion-sensing, front-facing camera, 1024x600 resolution and HDMI output, looks like a Wii U controller and…most importantly, runs emulators for the SNES, Genesis, Neo-Geo, PlayStation and N64, amongst many other things.  Sure, the system page shows a screenshot of Super Mario Galaxy 2 (hello lawsuit!), but seriously, what an amazing system for classic gamers.
Of course, it would probably sell far better, and actually be able to make it to market if they didn’t actually point this out, but as it stands - I honestly will be watching for reviews to see how it turns out. I’d love a device like this, with built in controls, as opposed to trying to run emulated games on a Nexus 7 or similar Android device.
If you’re interested in buying one now, this looks like one store selling them to US buyers. If you do, let us know how it turns out!
Source: JinXing Digital CO.Ltd.

Tuesday January 29, 2013