Duncan Jones Lands 'Warcraft'
After cutting his teeth on the amazing Moon and Groundhog Day-meets-train explosions film Source Code, director Duncan Jones is getting called up to the big leagues.
In an exclusive scoop to the Hollywood Reporter, it’s now confirmed that Jones will be directing the official film adaptation of iconic video game series Warcraft.
The film adaptation of the super popular Blizzard game series is being produced by Legendary Pictures (they who bankrolled the Nolan Batman films and this summer’s Pacific Rim amongst others), and will be Jones' first shot at a huge budget Hollywood film.  At one time, director Sam Raimi was tied to the property, but he was pulled away by other projects (including this March’s Oz The Great and Powerful).
Those who follow Duncan Jones on Twitter know that the man is an intense gamer, and his passion should absolutely show through in the final product.  While some may have apprehensions about a director taking on a huge project for the first time (Moon had a budget of about $1 million, Source Code $35 mil), Jones has shown an incredible eye as a director, and no doubt will flourish with this project.
Warcraft is tentatively scheduled for a 2015 release.
Source: Hollywood Reporter.

Thursday January 31, 2013