New 'Iron Man 3' Poster: Tony's Going Down
This weekend will bring a brand new Iron Man 3 trailer (amongst others) during the Super Bowl, and just in time, Marvel Studios has released a brand new poster for the film.
Honestly, it’s one of the cooler posters released for any of the Marvel films yet.
Evocative of classic Iron Man covers, this isn’t a cool shot of armor or giant floating heads, this is Tony Stark in downfall. Clearly, something has gone terribly wrong, and Shellhead is falling to his doom.
What has caused this? How could things go so wrong for the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist? Â Call it a hunch that Sunday’s trailer will reveal all.
Iron Man 3 hits theaters on May 3rd, 2013. We’ll have the new trailer for you on Sunday as soon as we can.

Thursday January 31, 2013