Have His Own Movie, Yoda Will?
Ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm, the word has been that the plan is to expand Star Wars into a series of films, building an entire universe, a’la the highly successful Marvel Studios films.
Thus far, all we’ve had confirmed is the JJ Abrams directed Episode VII (plus the denied rumor of a Seven Samurai-esq film from Zack Snyder), but today Ain’t It Cool News reports that the first major spin-off being planed is a solo film for everyone’s favorite little green Jedi, Yoda.
While the details are very sparse (literally, all that’s stated is that a Yoda film is planned), this may be one of the more successful spin-off ideas possible. Yoda’s one of the most beloved characters of the saga, and having lived 900 years, there are many eras where you could set the film. Is it the story of his training? Is it a story about his disciples?  Or, even is his the film based on Seven Samurai?
Time will tell, and of course, once anything is confirmed, we’ll get the details to you right here at Blast-O-Rama.
Source: Ain’t It Cool News.

Tuesday February 5, 2013