Two More STAR WARS Spinoffs Rumored
After yesterday’s leak of the rumored Star wars spin-off to star Yoda, and the subsequent confirmation that Disney is indeed planning an entire universe of Star Wars films, it should come as no surprise that more considered titles are surfacing.
Today’s scoop comes from Entertainment Weekly, who’s ear to the ground indicates that the other characters being considered for spin-offs are two of the series most beloved creations - rogue scoundrel Han Solo and mysterious bounty hunter Boba Fett.
The Han Solo film is said to take place between Episodes III and IV, featuring a younger version of the iconic Harrison Ford character - some large shoes (or boots) to fill for whatever actor is pegged for the role.  In the case of Boba Fett, the movie will either take place between Episodes IV and V, or V and VI, and give us a solo tale of the bounty hunter not related to his pursuit of Han Solo.  Considering how much Fett’s backstory has been fleshed out over the years in comic books and novels, it stands to reason that the character would be one of the best picks for a solo film.
Of course, this scoop, like the Yoda rumor, does not have any further concrete details, such as possible attached talent.  In turn, we highly recommend taking this news with a HUGE grain of salt, but the minute that any official confirmation from Disney or Lucasfilm arrives beyond Episode VII, we’ll get it to you.

Wednesday February 6, 2013