With less than 3 months until its May release, Marvel Studios continues full steam ahead with the promotion and push of their latest shellhead adventure, the much anticipated Fall of Tony Stark - Iron Man 3.

To that end, they’ve released two brand new posters this week - the first, at the top of the post, is the character poster for Don Cheadle’s James “Rhodey” Rhodes, seen here all kinds of sweaty in his upgraded Iron Patriot armor.


The second, is a character poster for one of the big villains of the piece, Guy Pierce as Dr. Aldrich Killian. It’s always a pleasure to see Guy Pierce in a film, and I’m hoping his exposure via a big blockbuster like this helps get him more high-profile work.


Last, but far from least - similar to the custom 3D glasses seen for The Avengers and The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Iron Man 3 will be getting glasses for the first 3D film of the series.  They come in four flavors (Iron Man, Iron Patriot, War Machine and Tony Stark), and honestly - aren’t all that visually offensive! No word on how they’ll be distributed yet, but I’d imagine they’ll be pushed out for Midnight screenings for sure.

Iron Man 3 hits theaters on May 3rd, 2013.