AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 Now Has Its Norman Osborn
If the cast of the forthcoming Spidey sequel The Amazing Spider-Man 2 weren’t already packed enough, Sony Pictures has confirmed that in addition to Dane DeHaan (Chronicle) representing the Osborn family as Harry Osborn, he will be joined by his father - Norman Osborn, as to be played by the always fantastic Chris Cooper.
Cooper is a truly inspired choice for the role, having cut his teeth in countless great character actor roles, including The Bourne Identity, Adaptation and a stint as the main villain in The Muppets.
I think Cooper is a superb choice for the role, even if he wasn’t someone I would have thought of immediately.
All this being said, will they be pulling the Green Goblin trigger early? I think it’s too soon - if I had to guess, they will play the Goblin card in the 3rd film, hinting toward it here - unless Peter Parker will have The Shocker, Electro AND Green Goblin to deal with in one film.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is currently filming in Brooklyn, with a May 2nd, 2014 release date.
Source: The Hollywood Reporter.

Wednesday February 27, 2013