Fantastic Four Reboot Update: Seth Grahame-Smith's On the Script
It seems like forever that we’ve been hearing about the reboot for the Fantastic Four - for the longest time, much of the behind the scenes staff has been assembled.
In the director slot, you have hotshot newbie Josh Trank (Chronicle) and producing assistance from Matthew Vaughn (X-Men: First Class) and Mark Millar (in his overseer of the FOX Marvel Universe role), but the final element clearly isn’t up to snuff - the script.
Originally written by Jeremy Slater, Fox has decided to have author/screenwriter Seth Grahame-Smith take a stab at a re-write.
Now, on one hand, Grahame-Smith wrote the pretty great novels Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Unholy Night.
On the other hand, he’s responsible for the scripts for the god awful releases from last summer - Dark Shadows and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.
Let’s hope we get more of the “book writer” Seth than the “screenwriter” Seth, shall we?
Source: The Hollywood Reporter.

Wednesday February 27, 2013