Another ASSASSIN'S CREED Game is Coming, But This One Has a IV On It!
Should we be at all surprised these days when a sequel to a popular gaming franchise is released, especially one year after the prior title?
I suppose UbiSoft had me fooled - I truly believed them when they said that with the Assassin’s Creed series, the numbered ones mattered more.
What’s sequel overkill when some of the games aren’t “sequels”, I wondered?
Assassin’s Creed originally hit in 2007 - the game, while flawed, was beloved enough to result in the absolutely brilliant and amazing Assassin’s Creed II in 2009. That’s one of my favorite games from this generation - and while I had no interest in the “side-quels" Brotherhood and Revelations in 2010 and 2011 respectively - I understood them as smart reuses of existing characters, locations and assets. They were intended to give people who wanted a little more that fix while they toiled on an even bigger third installment. And Assassin’s Creed III followed this past Fall, with three years of development resulting in a brand new character in a brand new setting - taking the game to the American Revolution.
That said, here’s your wrench, gears - we’re already going to get Assassin’s Creed IV this year.
Leaked by a phone camera photo of a promotional poster (one which I was heavily skeptical of), offical word came today from UbiSoft, confirming Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for PS3, XBox 360, PC and Wii-U release.
Is it overkill? Is it too much too soon? Or will the game and it’s new world of pirates be enough to satisfy gamers?
For me I can say this much - I had my fill. Thanks, UbiSoft, but no thanks. That being said, if you’re a big Assassin’s Creed fan, the official reveal will be on Monday. And the gaming press has already seen it.

Thursday February 28, 2013