Nerd Alert: The Raid: Redemption Drops To $10!
Sadly ignored when it had a limited theatrical release last year, The Raid: Redemption is one of the most exciting and intense action movies ever made.
Filmed in Indonesia, this movie had the plot of Dredd well before Dredd hit theaters. You take one giant apartment building, you put a drug dealer at the top, and then the cops have to fight their way up.  That may not sound like much, but as this (NSFW) trailer shows, the action is intense all the way through.
In an awesome turn of events, Amazon has dropped the price of the Blu-Ray to just $10. Not sure how long this deal will last, but if you love martial arts films and/or glorious theatrical violence, you need to pick it up! Even if the cover-art makes it look like a budget video game.
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Sunday March 10, 2013