Ever since DC Comics launched the New 52, the results have been mixed, to say the least.

They started rather strong, but besides certain strongholds like Grant Morrison’s Action Comics and Scott Snyder’s Batman, the reboot has been mired in some unsuccessful titles, shady timelines and general editorial confusion.

That being said, DC looks to be fixing this - but one can worry that with the latest story being hyped to the mainstream press, one of their best books may be ruined in the meantime - the aforementioned Scott Snyder/Greg Capullo run on Batman.

As told to the Associated Press, starting this June, Batman will be showcasing “The Year Zero”, an eleven issue run which promises to show “how Bruce became the Batman, built the cave, faced off with his first super villain.”

This would be a decent idea if we didn’t already have the legendary run of Year One by Frank Miller, and last year’s awful and misguided Earth One from Geoff Johns.  Plus, you know, countless movies and TV shows which have already set the stage.

The idea of retelling the Batman origins, especially in a time barely removed by two mainstream interpretations, seems like a poor idea.

That being said - this past September brought Batman #0, part of the “Zero Month” at DC - and it showcased a Batman earlier in his career. This made for an interesting and enjoyable read, and promised to continue sometime in 2013.  If this is the intent of “The Year Zero”, this may end up good - let’s just hope that they do not keep a laser focus on the “how” of Batman, but instead the “what”. I want to see him fighting thugs and taking down Gotham crime as it escalates to super-villainy.  Not the same ol' “Bruce Wayne sees a Bat in his window, decides to become a symbol” story.

Either way, we’ll see how it goes when “The Year Zero” launches in June.

Source: AP.

EDIT: Thanks to iFanboy, here’s the cover for Batman #21, the issue kicking off “The Year Zero” “Zero Year”.
