"Hit Like A Bitch, Get Slapped Like A Bitch" - It's the RED-BAND KICK ASS 2 Debut Trailer!
The long-awaited debut trailer for Kick-Ass 2 has finally hit the web.
It’s red band (read: 18+), full of naughty language (as after all, the Red Mists’s new name is The Motherfucker) and it looks pretty awesome.
You’ve got dozens of costumed wanna be heroes, you’ve got Jim Carey as Colonel Stars, and of course, Chloe Grace Moretz showcasing her foul mouth as Hit Girl.
Simply put, if you didn’t like the first Kick-Ass, this isn’t for you. But if you did - get ready for more!  Click play!
Kick-Ass 2 hits theaters on August 16th, 2013.
Source: MTV Geek.

Wednesday March 13, 2013