The first round of promotional material for Guillermo Del Toro’s monsters versus robots epic Pacific Rim was all about the robots.

Now, thanks to two new images released on the official Pacific Rim Facebook page, we see that the second round of promotion will zero in on the monsters - or kaiju - just as you’d hope and expect from a Del Toro film.

The image at the top of the post is an example of a kaiju’s footprint, indicating the large scale of the monsters to be seen in the July release.

The second image, below, is of kaiju blood, which by the caption provided by the Facebook page, of you not wanting to get it on you, indicates that the blood is toxic to humans in some regard.


More ARG fun that amounts to nothing, or an indication of the world building to be seen in the film? We’ll know for sure once the film hits theaters.

Pacific Rim hits theaters on July 11th, 2013.