ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK Is Being Remade As A Trilogy, For Some Reason
We all love the 1981 John Carpenter classic Escape From New York, right?
No, we won’t discuss Escape From LA.
Well, I hope you’re ready to learn the origins of Snake Plissken and his eye patch, as producer Joel Silver and Studio Canal have purchased the rights to the film, to create a reboot, expanding the story to a trilogy.
Because that’s what we need. A movie expertly told once, instead stretched out into three films, adding an origin and other details which were unnecessary.
I realize that Hollywood probably doesn’t read this blog (although, considering I’ve had cease and desists in the past, I could be wrong), but I’ll jump on my soapbox for this.
When you have a really great, iconic character like Snake, and he shows up fully formed, missing an eye, in the shit with his government - I don’t question the “why”. I just assume the best possible story why. I don’t need it spelled out to me.
When you do spell it out to me, you get something as poorly formed t as that scene in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, where for some reason we needed an origin for his leather jacket.
The story of film has long been show, don’t tell - how about you stop telling me about what you showed me already?

Tuesday March 19, 2013