Today brings forth the highly anticipated home video release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and in today’s special edition of Nerd Alert, we focus on the many exclusive editions of Peter Jackson’s return to Middle-Earth.


If you’re looking for the vanilla, regular editions of the film, brings the best prices, with the 2D Blu-Ray (pictured at the top of the post) on sale for just $21.99, with the 3D edition (above) running you $27.99. The DVD is just $14.99.

Now, what if you’re looking for something a little more special? There are quite a few retailer exclusives - hopefully, you aren’t a major collector.


Best Buy is home to an exclusive lenticular Bilbo/Gollum cover, and the disc contains an exclusive A Hobbit’s Tale Part 1: The Journey Begins documentary.


Target goes LEGO heavy, giving you an exclusive LEGO figure of Bilbo Baggins and a bonus behind-the-scenes LEGO featurette on disc.


Walmart goes surprisingly classy with their exclusive, a 64-Page Digibook packaging and as 4 exclusive bonus featurettes titled The Journey Back to Middle-earth, Bilbo and The Riddle Game, Gandalf and the White Council, and Thorin and the “Song of the Lonely Mountain"Â accessible through Vudu.

All this being said, Peter Jackson did confirm that there will be a The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Extended Edition hitting stores in time for Christmas. So I wouldn’t blame you for holding out…or you can just win a copy directly from Blast-O-Rama!

Happy shopping, hobbit hunters!

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