In the lead up to this past weekend’s Wondercon (the funtacular Spring counterpart to the gigantic SDCC), Warner Bros went hard on the push for the big Guillermo Del Toro Monsters v. Robots flick Pacific Rim.

We’d been featuring the mecha, or Jager as they’re called here, “character” posters as they’ve been released, and a few more came out since we were last able to update.

The three Jagers revealed are arguably three of the best named - the Chinese Crimson Typhoon, the Australian Striker Eureka, and our lead hero ‘bot - the American Gipsy Danger.  All three posters are below.

[gallery ids=“12826,12827,12828”]

If that wasn’t cool enough, Legendary Pictures/Warner Bros also made sure to issue these posters as awesome trading cards, with facts and figures on the back - sorta like the old GI Joe file cards. Apparently, Australia goes beast mode on giant interdimentional Kaiju monsters.

[gallery ids=“12829,12830,12831,12832,12833”]

Finally, the other big news of the con for Pacific Rim showcased YET ANOTHER MECH!

The much rumored comic anthology, officially titled Pacific Rim: Tales From Year Zero will hit shelves on June 5th, and if this Alex Ross cover is any indication, we’ll be seeing an early Jager in action, as the art doesn’t seem to match up with any of the designs showcased thus far.


Pacific Rim hits theaters on July 12th.