Some hot off the press video game news for you today as WB Games has announced the release of Batman: Arkham Origins for PS3, Xbox 360, PC and Wii U.


Set before Batman: Arkham Asylum, the game is set to be an origin story for the video game version of Batman (of course), and as this Game Informer cover shows, will definitely feature Deathstroke.

Details remain sketchy otherwise, although this title is not being developed by Arkham Asylum/Arkham City devs Rocksteady, instead it is being handled by WB Games Montreal, who to date were only responsible for the Wii U port of Arkham City.

Handheld gamers will also get their own version of the game, titled Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, set for a PS Vita and Nintendo 3DS release.

Both Arkham Origins and Arkham Origins Blackgate are set for an October 25th release.