Get Ready For A Bunch More STAR WARSes
Today at CinemaCon, the theatrical exhibitor convention formerly known as ShoWest, where all the big movie studios pitch their next projects to the theater owners, Disney made a big, although probably not unexpected announcement regarding Star Wars…
Starting in Summer 2015 with Star Wars: Episode VII, Disney will be producing one new Star Wars film a year.
Yep, the Star Wars universe is officially becoming a sci-fi version of the Marvel Theatrical Universe.
If they need some ideas for the post JJ Abrams world, might I recommend Mr. Patton Oswalt?
For tonight’s episode of Parks and Recreation he improvised an entire outline for Episode VII, and it’s inspired, manic genius. Enjoy.
Source: ComingSoon
EDIT: According to further details from Bleeding Cool, the plan is for Saga films (Episode VII, VIII, etc.) to alternate with stand-alone films. So, 2015 for Episode VII, 2017 for Episode VIII, and stand-alone movies in 2016 and 2018 and so on.

Wednesday April 17, 2013