A Brand New Poster And 2 More Trailers Prove That ONLY GOD FORGIVES
While this Summer certainly is full of astonishing looking genre fair such as Star Trek Into Darkness, Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel, there are more than a few fantastic looking, potentially classic original films hitting theaters in the forthcoming months.
One such film is the long awaited re-teaming of the Drive duo of director Nicolas Winding Refn and lead actor Ryan Gossling, the violent Bangkok-bound revenge film Only God Forgives.
After the hypnotic trailer premiered a few weeks back, I’ve been sitting on pins and needles waiting for the next fix, and we have hit the mother load today, with the first official poster for the film and two brand new trailers being released.
The new poster is at the top of the post and has a serious Enter The Void vibe about it, and the two new international trailers below not only continue to simmer like the teaser trailer did, but they underline just how creepy Kristen Scott Thomas will be as Gossling’s mother.
Only God Forgives makes its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival next month, and is set for a US release on July 19th.
Source: Collider

Thursday April 18, 2013