Lost In Space: The GRAVITY Teaser Poster
It’s been seven long years since director Alfonso Curaon last produced a film, but when it was a project like Children of Men, you learn to stand up and take notice when he finally produces a new film.
His next project is called Gravity, and he directed, co-wrote (with his son, Jonas) and produced the film, which stars George Clooney and Sandra Bullock.  Details have been hush hush for some time, but Warner Bros officially released the first teaser poster (above) for the film, and plans to release a trailer later today.  The concept apparently involves two astronauts who are stranded outside of their spaceship.  As you can assume, things go terribly awry from there.
Gravity looks to be one of the biggest films of the fall, and I cannot wait to see more footage from it. Â It will release in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D on October 4th.

Thursday May 9, 2013