AGENTS OF SHIELD Officially Launches on ABC This Fall!
Friday evening, the word was official -Â Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is on the fall schedule at ABC.
Sure, it had a somewhat easy path onto television, given that Disney owns both Marvel Studios and ABC, but the fact is, the Joss Whedon produced, Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancharoen (Dr. Horrible) developed show will be airing later this year.
The first promo for the series aired just minutes ago during an episode of Once Upon A Time, but Marvel Studios has, appropriately, put it on YouTube for us to obsess over.
Obviously, the big “surprise” is that Agent Coulson (Clark Gregg), last seen dying in the Avengers is alive and well, but this looks like a fun “superhero of the week” program. Also, am I fanboying out, or is that a look at Luke Cage?
I’m sure we’ll be hearing more during ABC’s upfront presentation this week, but either way, the Whedons have a new show, Marvel Studios has a TV show, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe is officially continuing on the small screen. Get hype!

Sunday May 12, 2013