Chances are, you’re seeing a trend in the big, blockbuster movies lately -  a three trailer release.

Trailer 1: All a tease, give us a glimpse of the film.

Trailer 2: Hype up the action.

Trailer 3: Give us a final hard sell on the story for the film.

Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim hit one and two without trying very hard. Today, trailer three hit, and well, if you weren’t sold before, you’ll be sold now.

We get the origins of the kaijus, we get more monster action, we get Charlie Day telling us how awesome it all is, and the amazing part for me? For a movie seeming to take place primarily at night, just how lush and beautiful the colors are.

What say you - is Pacific Rim all you need this summer? Or is it still lacking? Sound off in the comments.

Pacific Rim releases on July 12th.