An Interesting Look Behind the Scenes At WORLD WAR Z
One of the most argued about films of the Summer 2013 season is June’s adaptation of World War Z.
Starring Brad Pitt, the zombie action film looks pretty good - if you can accept the fact that they clearly stopped trying to make an adaptation of the fantastic Max Brooks penned novel the film is very loosely based on.
The road to the screen has been a difficult one - originally set for a December 2012 release, the film was pushed back six months to allow for reshoots, including a complete rescripting of the ending.
The fine folks at Vanity Fair have put together an incredibly compelling article about the making of the film, a movie said to have cost as much as $250 million, and I cannot recommend it enough. Â Early screening buzz has been surprisingly positive - so we’ll have to see if the hard work paid off.
No matter how the movie turns out, at least it has to be better than the new poster (at the top of the post), right? World War Z hits theaters on June 21st.

Tuesday May 28, 2013