PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 5 Gets Two Unique Directors
If you ask people about the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, chances are you’ll have this conversation…
“The first one was great? The two after that, not so much.” “What about the fourth one?” “…there was a fourth one?”
And, yes, there was - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and it actually did about $1 billion in box office. Which means that the two sequels they greenlit shortly after release - we’re going to see at least one of them.
The declining quality of the series aside (I honestly enjoyed the second, maybe I’m odd), with the announcement of the directors, I have to applaud Disney for taking a risk with this installment - PotC 5 will be directed by the duo of Joachim RÁ¸nning and Espen Sandberg, who’s claim to fame is that they directed the Oscar nominated film Kon-Tiki (who’s trailer is below).
I have to give them credit for going out of their comfort zone - perhaps an inspired directing choice will inspire Depp to new heights as Captain Jack Sparrow? We’ll know for sure on July 10th, 2015.
Source: Deadline

Thursday May 30, 2013