Marvel seems to be hitting their books out of the park lately, and the reason is simple - they’re being smart.  While you can argue that the Avengers line has been pulled a little thin lately, they’ve been taking characters or teams with multiple books and making sure that each serves a purpose.  This has been especially noticeable in the worlds of Spider-Man and Daredevil, where each has been given a solo book (Amazing Spider-Man and Daredevil) and an anthology styled book where creators get to tell self-contained work (Avenging Spider-Man and Daredevil: Dark Knights).
While I’m not sure if this was the original intent when Frank Cho’s Savage Wolverine was launched as a part of Marvel NOW!, it’s definitely become that book for our favorite angry Canadian, with Zeb Wells and Joe Madueira taking over for an arc next. Â What comes after that?
According to USA Today, it’s going to be an arc written and drawn by the artist known simply as Jock. Best known for his work on Batman, plus an amazing Mondo poster for Shaun of the Dead, Jock will be writing the character starting with issue #9 this September in a sci-fi adventure thousands of years in the future, where Wolverine finds himself on an alien planet.
It sounds somewhat similar to what Brandon Graham is doing on Prophet, but with preview art like the piece above, I am definitely in to see what Jock has in store.
Source: USA Today

Friday June 7, 2013