There’s been much discussion about the fast mutant hero known as Quicksilver these days, as he’s currently implicated in the middle of the 2 Pac/Biggie style comicbook movie war taking place between Fox and Marvel Studios. See, Fox has the rights to certain heroes in perpetuity, while Marvel Studios (obviously) has had others. That said, while Fox has produced some great films, they have yet to produce movies as financially successful as the Marvel ones, and that’s even with holding the X-Men license.

What has complicated this further is the number of heroes which apparently rest in the X-Men camp which can also be accessed by Marvel - which includes the fast running Quicksilver and his sister, the Scarlet Witch.

Fox intends to have Quicksilver in next summer’s X-Men: Days of Future Past, but Joss Whedon has a much more prominent intention for Quicksilver AND the Scarlet Witch, adding them to the cast for The Avengers 2.

Even with the confusion set to boil over, Marvel is moving full speed ahead (no pun intended), and has apparently approached Kick-Ass himself, Aaron Taylor-Johnson to play ol' Pietro Maximoff.


Taylor-Johnson clearly has the history with the funny tights, and if Whedon thinks he’s the guy, I’m inclined to believe him. Add the rumor about Hanna’s Saoirse Ronan starring as the Scarlet Witch, and you have two perfect young upstarts to mix things up with RDJ’s Iron Man and the gang.

I’m all for this. Set a course for The Avengers 2 on May 1st, 2015.