With the positive reviews filing in this morning and the intense amount of hype surrounding Man of Steel this announcement shouldn’t come as a surprise, but Deadline.com has confirmed that Warner Bros. has fast-tracked Man of Steel 2.

There is no indication of a release date just yet, but director Zack Snyder and writer David S. Goyer are both signed on for the film, with producer Christopher Nolan taking a more “hands-off” approach for the sequel, as he will be tied up with Interstellar.

A more interesting bit, confirmed at last night’s premiere, however is this -David S. Goyer is signed to write the long awaited Justice League film as well.  From Batman to Superman and now the full DC universe - it’s very clear that WB thinks Goyer is more than capable to carry it all.

Man of Steel hits theaters this Friday, June 14th.

Source: Deadline.com.