I get that in this day and age, it’s hard to get audiences to come out and see movies, so the studios are trying to adapt as many existing properties with strong audiences to create movies worth the hundreds of millions of dollars invested.

In that case, explain this one to me - according to The Hollywood Reporter, Fox has just optioned the rights to…Choose Your Own Adventure.

That’s right, the books where you jump around page to page to usually find yourself at a terrible end.  I’m honestly not sure how this will work as a film.  As a video game or web series, sure! Let the viewer guide what step they take next. But how it works in a passive cinema experience? I have no freaking clue.

The best options I can figure is live audience voting (highest percentage chooses the next scene) or some sort of weird Jumanji styled film where kids get caught up in an adventure - to which I ask - why would they even need the Choose Your Own Adventure name then?

So weird.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter.