Like Boogie Nights In Space: GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Snags John C. Reilly!
Confirming rumors scuttled about a few weeks ago, has received solid word that John C. Reilly will be joining the cast of the intergalactic Marvel Studios installment, Guardians of the Galaxy.
Playing a role described as the Agent Coulson of the Guardians universe, Reilly will be cast as Rhomann Dey, leader of the Nova Corps.
This affirms that the Nova Corps will play a role in the Marvel Studios Theatrical Universe, and certainly gives credence as to why both Guardians and Nova were relaunched late last year as a part of Marvel Comics’ Marvel NOW! initiative.  No word on if a Nova film would be coming down the pike, but considering the NOW! relaunch and his appearance in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, making the character’s profile much higher in advance.
Guardians of the Galaxy, also starring Parks & Recreation’s Chris Pratt, former pro-wrestler Dave Bautista and Glenn frickin' Close hits theaters on August 1st, 2014.

Sunday June 16, 2013